The Physical Rehabilitation and Recovery Center "APOKATASSIS SA" in Trikala after a successful inspection by the independent body DQS, received the certification according to the ISO BS EN 15224-2016 standard and now belongs to the few pioneer health units in Greece that have a certified Management System of Quality for Healthcare and especially for rehabilitation services.
"APOKATASTASI SA" has incorporated this specialized quality standard, prioritizing each patient and their safety. Implements quality control procedures to prevent adverse events and continuously evaluates the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs contributing to the improvement of clinical performance.
Since 2009, "APOKATASTASI SA" has been offering health and life care services. The excellent results concern patients who, after a wide range of diseases, conditions, injuries and/or injuries, have lost some of their autonomy and during their hospitalization at the Rehabilitation Center receive personalized care and personalized attention.
The effective medical and multidisciplinary team, the experienced nursing and therapeutic staff and the appropriate medical and therapeutic equipment contribute to the recovery of patients' autonomy, always in accordance with the rehabilitation goals.
"APOKATASTASSI SA" SA, in Trikala, Thessaly, has 80 beds distributed in single, double, triple rooms, as well as in an Extended Care Unit. The operation of the Rehabilitation Center, apart from the legal requirements and the aforementioned standard, has already for years incorporated the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 with certification by the body TUV Austria.